Juniper Divination & Witchery

Journey Through Your Inner Landscape - A Tarot Spread for Shadow Work

Journey Through Your Inner Landscape - A Tarot Spread for Shadow Work

Uncover the hidden depths of your soul and embark on a transformative journey with this powerful shadow work tarot spread.

What is Shadow Work?

In the realm of personal growth, “shadow work” is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung to describe the process of confronting and integrating the hidden, repressed, or denied aspects of ourselves. These aspects, often called our “shadow selves,” can hold valuable insights and untapped potential. This tarot spread serves as a map to navigate this intricate inner landscape.

How to Use the Spread

Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can focus inward. Light a candle, play calming music, or engage in any ritual that helps you connect with your inner wisdom. Set Your Intention: As you shuffle your tarot deck, focus on your desire to explore your shadow self with compassion and curiosity. Draw Your Cards: Select nine cards and place them in the positions indicated in the spread. Interpret the Cards:

Reflect and Journal: Take time to meditate on the messages revealed by the cards. Journal your insights, emotions, and any actions you feel called to take.

Benefits of Shadow Work

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